North Carolina welcomed 518 attendees, known as delegates, to the once-a-decade North Carolina edition of the Southeast U.S./Japan Conference in Charlotte, October 27-29, 2024.
Formally known as the 46th Annual Joint Meeting between the Southeast U.S./Japan Association (SEUS/Japan) and its Japanese counterpart, the Japan/U.S. Southeast Association (Japan/USSE), the conference encourages foreign direct investment (FDI) from Japanese companies and aims to strengthen export ties for North Carolina and other Southeastern companies selling goods in Japan.
For more information about joining the North Carolina delegation, contact:
David Rhoades
State Coordinator for North Carolina, SEUS/Japan Association and
Communications Director
North Carolina Department of Commerce
(919) 814-4611
If you're not a North Carolina resident, contact the coordinator from your state.
SEUS/Japan Association State Coordinators List
SEUS State | State Coordinator |
Alabama | Christina Stimpson Director, Office of International Trade Alabama Department of Commerce 401 Adams Avenue, Suite 630 Montgomery, AL 36104 Office: (334) 549-7955 Email: christina.stimpson@commerce.alabama.gov Web site: madeinalabama.com |
Florida | Dave Woodward Executive Director Florida Delegation, Southeast U.S./Japan. P.O. Box 226647 Miami, FL 33222-6647 Office: (305) 594-7745 E-Mail: dwoodward@fl-seusjapan.org Web site: fl-seusjapan.org |
Georgia | Mary Waters Chief Administrative Officer Georgia Department of Economic Development 75 Fifth Street, N.W., Suite 1200 Atlanta, GA 30308 Office: (404) 962-4120 E-mail: mwaters@georgia.org Web site: georgia.org |
Mississippi | Luigi Dominighini Senior International Trade Manager International Trade Division Mississippi Development Authority P.O. Box 849 Jackson, MS 39205 Office: (601) 359-9429 E-Mail: Idominighini@mississippi.org Web site: mississippi.org |
South Carolina | Clarke Thompson Chief Protocol Officer/International Relations South Carolina Department of Commerce 1201 Main Street, Capitol Center Tower, Suite 1600 Columbia, SC 29201-3200 E-mail: cthompson@SCcommerce.com Web site: SCcommerce.com |
Tennessee | Karel Abboud Global Director of FDI and Trade Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development Tennessee Tower, 27th Floor 312 Rosa L. Parks Ave. Nashville, TN 37243 E-mail: karel.abboud@tn.gov Web site: tnecd.com |