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Grants Management Documents
Our Department administers a wide range of grant and economic development incentive programs. If you're managing a grant that we've previously awarded, or you're interested in applying for one of our grant programs, you'll find a variety of helpful documents in this section.
Browse the entire library below, or use the search tools to filter your results by program type (e.g. CDBG), or funding source (federal or state), document type (e.g.: application) or even by keyword.
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Form | Project Budget and Cost Estimate
This document is to be utilized in conjunction with the application for the Rural Downtown Economic Development grants to provide documentation of the relevant costs associated with the proposed project.
This form is to be used in conjunction with the Rural Downtown Economic Development application to provide data regarding existing jobs at the time of award.
Application, Downtowns (Main Street), Rural Development, State Funded (Rural Grants)
Form | Environmental Review Form
This is the Environmental Review form to be used in conjunction with the Rural Downtown Economic Development application and is to be reviewed prior to award.
Application, Downtowns (Main Street), Rural Development, State Funded (Rural Grants)
Guidelines | Rural Downtown Economic Development
This document is the guidelines for a Rural Downtown Economic Development Grant (RDEDG). The purpose of this program is to support downtown revitalization and economic development initiatives that are intended to help local governments grow and leverage downtown districts as assets for economic growth, economic development, and prosperity. Funding availability is at the discretion of the Rural Infrastructure Authority.
Criteria or Guidelines, Application, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC), CDBG, Other Grants
Pre-Application | CDBG Notice of Funding Availability, Neighborhood Revitalization
This document is the formal notice of available funding from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and its Neighborhood Revitalization program.
Criteria or Guidelines, Pre-Application, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC), CDBG, Other Grants
Guidelines | North Carolina Film and Entertainment Grant
This document contains the current guidelines for North Carolina's Film and Entertainment Grant. More information about the program is available from the N.C. Film Office.
Criteria or Guidelines, Miscellaneous, Other Grants
Guidelines | Project Descriptions from Round 3, Rural Transformation Grants
Review descriptions of projects that were previously awarded a North Carolina Rural Transformation Grant (this document contains awards announced in Round 3 of grantmaking). These descriptions can provide helpful background for interested stakeholders.
Compliance | CDBG SAMPLE Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request a Release of Funds
This grant compliance guidance document, a Sample of the Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request a Release of Funds form, provides helpful instructions for grantees with Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) in North Carolina. The form also confirms that an Environmental Review Record for the grant is available for public inspection. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at
Compliance, Criteria or Guidelines, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC)
Compliance | CDBG Request for Release of Funds and Environmental Certification
This grant compliance document, a Request for Release of Funds and Environmental Certification form, is used by grantees with Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at
This grant compliance document, a template form for an Environmental Assessment for Exempt and CENST Projects, is used by grantees with Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at
This grant compliance document, a template form for Environmental Assessment Projects, is used by grantees with Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at
This grant compliance document, a template form for an Environmental Assessment for Categorically Excluded Subject to 58.5 Projects (CEST), is used by grantees with Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at
Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC)
Compliance | CDBG Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds (NOIRROF) Form
This grant compliance document, a Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds (NOIRROF) form, is used by grantees with Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) in North Carolina. The form also confirms that an Environmental Review Record for the grant is available for public inspection. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at
Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC), CDBG Categories
Compliance | CDBG Housing Rehab Monitoring Form
This document provides information to assist grantees with compliance for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at
Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC)
Guidelines | Rural Transformation Grant Program
This document provides guidelines for the North Carolina Rural Transformation Grant Program, adminstered by the North Carolina Department of Commerce's Rural Economic Development Division.
For further information about this grant program, contact:
Criteria or Guidelines, Rural Development, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC), Miscellaneous
Compliance | CDBG Procurement and Contract Monitoring Form
This document provides information to assist grantees with compliance for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at
Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC)
Compliance | CDBG Fair Housing Monitoring Form
This document provides information to assist grantees with compliance for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at
Compliance, CDBG, Federal Funded (e.g. CDBG or ARC)
Compliance | CDBG General Administration Form
This document provides information to assist grantees with compliance for their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in North Carolina. For further information about this document, email our CDBG team at