Topics Related to Business & Industry

A new report from the NC Department of Commerce and NC State’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), Best Practices for Growing Manufacturing in North Carolina, lays out a critical vision for North Carolina's manufacturing sector to embrace the Fourth Industrial Revolution driven by technologies like robotics, AI and data analytics. Supporting this technological transformation should be an economic imperative.

Did the surge in new business applications lead to a subsequent surge in new employer businesses? Based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Business Employment Dynamics (BED) and U.S. Census Bureau Business Dynamics Statistics (BDS) programs, we find that employer entry did rise in North Carolina over the past few years, with firm births rising across multiple sectors. However, these recent trends must be viewed in the context of a multi-decade decline in business dynamism.

This is the third article in LEAD’s recent Manufacturing series, which explores North Carolina’s Industry 4.0 assets.

The first in a series on Manufacturing in North Carolina, this blog examines the industry’s critical role in our economy.

As LEAD’s research has shown, automation has, is, and will continue changing North Carolina’s labor market. Preparing now for future disruptions from automation can help mitigate negative impacts. This article explores policies and strategies to do that.

In this edition of NC Economy Watch we take stock of how high interest rates have affected the North Carolina economy. The Federal Reserve has hiked interest rates at the fastest pace in over 40 years, making it more difficult for businesses and consumers to access credit. So far, our state’s economy has largely held up in the face of tightening credit conditions, but the delayed effects of high interest rates may lead to more serious consequences in the months ahead.

In a previous post, we explored some of the key findings from the recently published North Carolina Registered Apprenticeship Survey Report, including the financial returns associated with businesses’ apprenticeship programs. In this post, we’ll investigate some of the mechanisms through which apprentices provide these returns to businesses and some of the differences between programs in various industry sectors.

A recent survey of nearly 300 apprenticeship programs across North Carolina found that investments in apprenticeships produce a strong financial return to companies. This post, the first of two, explores some of the survey's key findings, including the survey's analysis of businesses' financial return on apprenticeship investments.