Submit Your Comments | Draft 2024 North Carolina WIOA Unified State Plan

Submitted by andrew.beal on

North Carolina develops a Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Unified State Plan every four years, as required, to outline the state's strategy for implementing the Act. The plan is developed by state workforce partners (N.C. Department of Commerce, North Carolina Community College System, N.C. Department of Public Instruction, and N.C. Department of Health and Human Services) in accordance with federal plan requirements from the U.S. Departments of Labor and Education.

The NCWorks Commission, the State Workforce Development Board, welcomes public comments on the draft plan during the 7-day period from January 8, 2024, through January 15, 2024. 

Read the draft plan here.

To submit your comments, please fill out each of the fields in the form below.

If you need assistance filling out this comment form, please call 919-618-5802 and someone will help you. 


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