Annual Report | Job Development Investment Grant (JDIG)
The 2020 Annual Report on the North Carolina Job Development Investment Grant Program (JDIG) describes Calendar Year performance by existing grantees and CY 2020 new grants under the Job Development Investment Grant (JDIG) program, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute (G.S.) §143B-437.55(c).
Information presented includes:
- the number of JDIG applications submitted;
- a listing of grants awarded and accepted;
- the results of the Walden cost/benefit analysis (in terms of net state revenue and impact on state gross domestic product);
- a description of each project awarded a grant in 2019;
- the term of each grant;
- the percentage of withholdings used to determine the amount of each grant;
- job creation, investment, and average annual wage targets;
- the state’s maximum annual liability under the grants;
- amounts disbursed to-date under outstanding grants (to companies and to the Utility Account),;
- company performance results under the grants, and
- eligible withholdings received from grantees.
An archive of previously published JDIG Annual Reports is available elsewhere on our website.