Local Workforce Development Boards in North Carolina can support the workforce needs of businesses or specific groups in their regions with a Program Enhancement Grant from N.C. Commerce's Division of Workforce Solutions. Awards up to $200,000 are available. The grants can be used to support or sponsor innovative approaches to workforce development. In addition, the Division of Workforce Solutions may award Planning Grants of up to $30,000 to support the development of Program Enhancement Grant applications.
The federal Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides flexibility for states and local Workforce Boards to provide enhanced services for customers – both jobseekers and businesses. WIOA offers an opportunity to continue to modernize the workforce and achieve key outcomes of a customer-centered workforce system. These grants support system design and service delivery initiatives that:
- Address the workforce needs of businesses
- Expand the education and training opportunities for citizens
- Create employment opportunities in growth sectors of the economy for disadvantaged, unemployed, and under-employed adults and youth
Build capacity for your Workforce Development Board, create systemic change within the workforce system, and improve career development access and workforce services to individuals and businesses with a Program Enhancement Grant.
Businesses and other employers are welcome to reach out to Workforce Boards to suggest specific needs that might be addressed by Program Enhancement Grants.
For more information, contact a Workforce Development Board Business Services Representative in your area.